Capture the Spirit

I was in a meeting the other day, and everyone was getting a bit gloomy.  There were great ideas, but there were great obstacles to go along with them.  We slowly hashed out a plan, which may or may not work, and then the meeting chair summarized what we had decided.  It sounded intimidating, and difficult, and a little mad, but she finished with the cheerful statement:  'and then we'll have created something great!'  Everyone chuckled, and she understood why.  "Yes, I know," she said wryly.  "That makes it sound simple, and it isn't.  But still, in that spirit of reckless positivity, let us begin."

I left that meeting feeling much less gloomy than I was when we began.  The idea of 'reckless positivity' straightened my spine and set me up for a much better afternoon than I had expected.  In such a terrible time in history, with prices flying up into the stratosphere and wages staying stubbornly still, it really does feel delightfully reckless to be positive.  Almost dangerous.  Like I'm flying on the same out-of-control carousel as everyone else, but choosing to hold on with one hand.

So, in that spirit of 'reckless positivity' I go.  Forward.  Upward.  Onward.  In whatever direction is open.
